Talk:Vegan Grey Areas

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Understandable circumstances

Eating Disorder

Of course, but psychological aversions to foods, needing to distance yourself from foods you ate under the mentality of anorexia before and return to a diet habit you ate when you didn't relate to food in an obsessive compulsive way.

Chronic Disease / Multiple Food Allergies

Chrones disease, plus beans, nuts, some greens and some fruit allergies.

Pest Prevention

Sure building better houses is pest prevention, but yea sometimes there simply is no other way than to fumigate.


Survival is a grey area circumstance? I would say that is pretty black and white, no?

I guess it depends on your point of view. If you look at it from a fully Utilitarian perspective, there are circumstances in which dieing would be better than doing whatever you have to do to survive. If you add some egoism (as we pretty much all do) into it, staying alive is suddenly worth just about any effort.

However adding more egoism would also mean that it's okay to kill an animal for the taste of meat. While most people will agree that it's okay to hurt others to survive, it's really just part of the egoism - utilitariasm spectrum and I understand the label as a grey area.

Listed under 'understandable circumstances'. Grey areas like the edge cases at the periphery of the core of the philosophy.

Some might be surprised that some vegans support

Wildlife management

Removing invasive species like goats from the Gollapogas islands was a win for all animals long term. We should ideally use vegan methods like trap and release or birth control pills, but even just trekking through bear country to research how best to tackle invasive species is worth the risk of having to use a gun in self defense.

Non-intrusive wild beekeeping

Then non-intrusive beekeeping, we need to pollinate crops and you can have taps that literally drop honey out the side they have too much of and so long as you don't commercialize it you've got freegan honey.

I kind a disagree because there seems to be some evidence that in some environments keeping domestic honey bees can decrease the populations of native or wild bee species due to competition for food sources. A lot of farmers that I spoke with are actively changing from domestic beehives to insect hotels. Therefore, promoting keeping honeybees over keeping wild bee species seems to be counterproductive to me at this point (in some areas). If you would call it responsible pollinator/insect management instead (which directly include the use of insects as pest control in greenhouses), then I would find it much more accurate.

I think that is what I was thinking of from what I'd read here, where they wait for wild bees to colonize the hives. Sounds like you know more than me anyways, so any advice writing that section would be fab.

The source you showed is not exactly the same, those are still honey bees. There are also many other bee species that do not produce honey. When people talk about a decline in bees the often omit to say that in many areas especially solitary bees are in decline, those do not live in hives, but need resting places. I am for not an expert in insect, and meta-studies about bees were a bit inconclusive about competitions between bees. But you evade all these detailed problems if you make the topic broader (responsible interaction with insects in agriculture).

   The best thing you can do for bees is encourage wild habitats, and it appears that this means opposing agricultural practices that depend on beekeeping and encouraging sustainable agriculture that gives consideration to wild habitation as well as commercial food production where possible.

Agreed. Also though putting boxes up for wild bees to colonize like bat boxes. They may also need to be moved around in an emergency if there are severe food shortages and the newly re-wilded eco-systems haven't yet had chance to replenish bee numbers.



Caring for rescued animals


Lab grown meat

Using cells taken from an animal in captivity, commercializing the bodies of animals. I'm for it, just deontilogically some have a problem.