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Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:50 am
by 6-28-496-8128

I started caring a lot about animal ethics after watching Earthlings. I thought I had to watch it because I contributed to whatever it showed me. Too many meat eaters run from the truth. I never run from the truth. I face it head on, and if I disagree with it and can do something about it then I do something about it. Thus I stopped consuming meat at first and later I also quit dairy. I did not eat eggs anyway, because I did not like them. But if I did like them and eat them then I would have quit them also eventually.

I was very sick at the time and in desperate need of a relief from my pain. Luckily, veganism and health improvement are best buddies. I prefer to promote healthy vegan diets because humans are animals too. I do however think that there is some karmatic beauty in the fact that meat and dairy are incredibly sickening to us. I wish people to be healthy, but I also think that torturing animals should not go unpunished.
Another reason why I think focusing on health is important is that vegans being and looking healthier than meat eaters makes veganism look good.
So even though I know veganism is not about health, I do think it deserves attention. Though not as much as the suffering animals, of course. They are the real victims.

Re: Hi!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:34 am
by Red
Hey 6-28-496-8128, welcome to the forum!
While the ethical argument for veganism is the strongest, the health argument still holds significant weight.

Do you prefer to talk to non vegans about the health aspect more than the ethics part?

Re: Hi!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:56 pm
by 6-28-496-8128
I think so, for multiple reasons.

1. Seems to net me better results. Most of my results convincing people are from me greatly improving my own health. Alas, this only steers them towards being plant-based, not towards veganism.

2. The health argument adds strength to the animal rights argument. Eating meat for health being more ethical than eating meat for pleasure seems to be a common opinion.

3. As someone who ate himself into a a state of severe illness, I empathise with similarly-fated people. I was ignorant, and so are many other people. Many sick people could be healed and they need to know how. This information needs to be common to reduce human suffering.

Though I have had periods where I talked a lot about animal rights and animal suffering. But I had to turn it down. People got too annoyed. Too much head-burying. And meanwhile chickens get boiled alive , pigs get gassed ,and people are paying for it.