AI will never be sentient, let's debate

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AI will never be sentient, let's debate

Post by TelepathyConspiracy »

The Chinese room thought experiment is about a Russian that is translating English into Chinese using two reference books, he only understands Russian and does this binary pattern matching thing which is supposed to be the allegory for how a computer operates... He could be translating love poems or tax code, he wouldn't know... The same thing is true for computers, aka binary via transistors... Neural networks do not change this hardware layer, they are written in higher level languages and only "learn" by changing mathematical relationships...

The image of candy is not candy


It's like saying if you replace a horse and buggy with a car makes the car a creature

The idea is that the higher level languages are not understood by the computer, it's translated into a binary language via massive reference books... This referencing is mechanical not biological... a mechanism cannot feel the experience even if it's the thing doing it...

The analogy of a robot that plows through a burning irradiated fire... It goes the whole way and is out the other side like nothing happened...

That's not sentience

Two categories in this world, there are THINGS and there are BEINGS... The distinction between the two is what is sentience... Are you not sentient or are you sentient? Do you have real experiences?

One instance theyre a porn star, in the next they're bearded college professors
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