Procreation between Caucasian females and Congoid males is destroying Caucasian hereditary

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Procreation between Caucasian females and Congoid males is destroying Caucasian hereditary

Post by Kwashiorkor »

The allegiance Caucasoid females accord Congoid males extends to the point where they will gladly interbreed with them, engendering a perverse transubstantiation of their primordial heritage.

Caucasian females predisposed toward exogamy are willing hosts for Congoid parasitism and are conferring hereditary immortality upon prehistoric living fossils by unifying with Congoid males.

Caucasian females are propagating opportunistic organisms by hybridizing with Congoid males. Miscegenation between Caucasoid females and Congoid males will modify Congoid hereditary at the expense of Caucasian males who will be supplanted.

This decadent union between Caucasian females and Congoid males will mongrelize Caucasian descendants into mulatto, quadroon, octoroon and hexadecaroon degradations.

Caucasian females who hybridize with Congoid of any admixture have condemned their primordial legacy to extinction and will be subsumed into an utterly alien individuated super organism (the Congoid species itself) from which there can be no return.

In the next generation or two the overwhelming majority of the indigenous population in Britain will have partial African, Caribbean or Jamaican ancestry. Caucasian British women seem to be in a dash to interbreed with males of African extraction so the racial metamorphosis is almost complete.

Already racially pure and untainted Caucasian males are marginalized and persecuted unless they adopt Congoid mannerisms and many in the United Kingdom are doing so.

Eventually Caucasian males will be killed outright by predatory hybrids at the behest of the dubious Caucasian matriarch who begot these monstrous mongrels and who cannot stand to see the sight of the racial purity she has surrendered to an introduced and invasive species.

Congoid extinction is the only answer. Congoids should never have been allowed to survive into the last century. The only way Congoids can survive now is by becoming parasites and hijacking the hereditary of other taxonomic groups and unfortunately Caucasian females appear to be ready hosts.

Caucasian women who procreate with Congoids are erasing not only their own hereditary but ultimately the memory of all Caucasians.

Total human extinction is preferable now. I don't want the so-called "human race" to survive. The primordial Caucasoid will vanish very soon becoming an aberration in the anthropological timeline as Caucasians amalgamate with a non-consanguineous foreign antecedent as a result of the rampant miscegenation between Caucasian females and Congoid males.

Caucasian women are perpetuating lower primates of African, Caribbean and Jamaican descent by propagating the hybrid offspring of these Anthropoids. These aggressive hybrids have been bred to supplant Caucasian males who are expendable and have no place in the Afrocentric society white women are constructing for their bastardized offspring.

If Caucasians cannot become isolated again from outside reproductive competition than eventually an interspecies conflict will become inevitable between the last surviving Caucasoid males and the multitude of hybrids. I'm not sentimental about Caucasoid females who have betrayed their own kind. It's better to remove them and their mongrelized offspring completely so they can no longer contaminate the racial gestalt.
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Re: Procreation between Caucasian females and Congoid males is destroying Caucasian hereditary

Post by Kwashiorkor »

White women must be forcibly prevented from fraternizing with Afro-Caribbean and Jamaican males. This can only be achieved by revoking their sexual and social freedoms. In effect this will entail anti-miscegenation laws in tandem with negative eugenics.

Afro-Caribbean and Jamaican males are an invasive species which will mongrelize the populations of every country they are introduced into.
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