what advances the human race

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what advances the human race

Post by Haterkid69 »

so something got me thinking about science vs religion, think about it, it's not religion that "advances" or gives the human race the knowledge it knows today. i bet Christians in older times believed the earth was flat and that all that existed was the sun, and anyone who questioned it was tried for a crime. but now it's common knowledge and i'm guessing the bible was edited and a new "edition" was released to make it seem as if they knew what they were talking about in the first place. it's not religion that will advance our minds, it's facts and evidence, not a fucking.... well for example. if not for science you faggot vegans would just be seen as, well "faggot vegans" you would have nothing to argue, because there was no study, no peer review, nothing, at all. it's science that gives you the power in your arguments, i know sure as hell none of you conducted your own studies, or experiments, (getting off topic, let me say this like I will a lot more times, GOOGLE SEARCHES DON'T MAKE YOU A SCIENTIST, OR AN INTELLECTUAL, ETC.)
religion was a retardation of the past, science was the future, but I guess people weren't ready to move on yet so they prosecuted anyone who challenged their theories.
I'll add to this later, but on a side topic i think i'll stay a retarded religious person so that just in case, just by the unlikely hood of it all being ever true, i don't suffer the consequences of my intolerance (which i know is being hypocritical but stfu i don't give a damn right now, this is just my thoughts)
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